My Character

Character ID: loading...
Level: loading...
Experience: loading...
Longest time alive: loading...
Helmet: loading...
Armor: loading...
Gloves: loading...
Boots: loading...
Amulet: loading...
Ring: loading...
Shield: loading...
Weapon: loading...
Item formula example:
good(5.5) Dagger_LVL1(3) of murderousness(9.3) ➔ Dmg: 3 * (5.5 + 9.3) / 2 ➔ 22.2 Dmg
Total damage: loading...
Min = level/2 | Max = (level + weapon_damage + 10) / 2
Total damage reduction: loading...
Min = ( level/4 + sum_item_armor/8 ) | Max = ( level/2 + sum_item_armor/2 )

Server log

Name change

ATTENTION: You can change your name only once.


(Only characters allowed. Length 3-14)

Request recovery key

Clearing your browsers cache will reset your player ID and you will start a new character. Get a recovery key to be able to restore your character and to play the same character on multiple devices.

[Your Recovery Key will be displayed here]

Character recovery

DO NOT enter your recovery key on public devices (e.g. internet cafes) !!!

Recovery key: